簡介:"Amis-Fish trap-Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-阿美-漁筌T he Yami of Orchid Island and the coastal Amis depended on fishing for their livelihood and other tribes lived in the mountain near water, so fish were important food for all the tribes. Fishing in the mountain streams became a regular activity and was second in importance only to hunting as a source of food. Fishing was easier than hunting so, in terms of meeting daily food needs, fishing was more important. Fishing took place in the morning and as men's work. In Amis society there were two kinds of fishing--sea and river fishing. The fish trap is a woven container used in river fishing. The traps used by Taiwan's aborigines are similar to those used in SE Asia, rattan strips woven into a funnel shape. The Nanshi and Xiugulan Amis used the traps in the rivers near where they lived to catch fish and hold the fish and shrimp they caught. 蘭嶼雅美族和海岸阿美族以捕魚為主要生產事業,而其他各族的族群聚落大多傍山鄰水,因此魚類成為各族群副食的一個主要來源,在山溪捕魚,便幾乎成了各族群的生產習慣,其重要性僅次於狩獵。由於捕魚較狩獵來的容易,就日常生活需求來說,捕魚又較狩獵更為重要。 漁撈是農暇時的另一種生產方式,也是男子的工作,在阿美族社會裡分海上捕魚和河川捕魚二大類。 漁筌是河川捕魚編器,亦如台灣各族所用的漁筌,與東南亞各地所見者相似,用細竹條以絞織編法縛紮而成,做漏斗狀,其內側有縛附以刺籐者。如南勢阿美或者秀姑巒阿美,在居住地的臨近河川中,即使用它來誘捕或放置捕獲之魚蝦。 "