簡介:"AmisWooden land planerIntroductionThe wooden land planer (or bamboo land planer ) is an important tool for paddy rice cultivation. It is usually made from wood or bamboo. Most of the Amis villages in ?the East Coast plains or in the East Rift Valley are located in areas of flatland less than 500 meters above sea level. Their agricultural techniques were influenced by non-indigenous farmers early on. From these ?farmers, the Amis incorporated the plow and irrigation methods for cultivating paddy rice. Most of the farm tools were ?influenced by the Han Chinese, but uses were modified to fit the local conditions. 木馬(或竹馬)為水田耕作重要農具之一,多以木或竹製成。 居住在東海岸及花東縱谷的阿美族,大部分位於海拔不超過五百公尺近於平地的地方,受漢人農業技術的影響較早,進入使用犁耕、實施灌溉等水田稻作方式,其主要農具受漢人影響較大,但在功能使用上也較能因地制宜。 "