簡介:" 阿美族的飲食加工用具種類約有木臼、杵(木、石)、蒸桶、炊壺、籩等。主要材料為木材、石材、籐等。木臼,最主要的用途是打米脫殼、打麻糬或小米、花生。杵即是臼的附屬品,其用途是是脫穀去殼、打麻糬或小米。 杵以木杵居多,分單杵、木雙杵和石杵。打粟具屬於單杵,為木製,主要作為脫穗(小米或稻穀)之用,一般與方形木臼成一套。 傳統上,木臼和杵是每戶阿美族人生活之必要用具。現今阿美族人使用木臼和杵的比率明顯減少許多,多用於特殊祭典如豐年祭或文化觀光活動和展示使用。 AmisMillet grinding toolsIntroductionTools used in food processing included the wooden mortar, pestle (made from wood or stone), steamer, cooking pots and containers. The main materials used to make these tools were wood, stone and rattan. The wooden mortar and pestle were used together to husk rice, to make sticky rice or to grind millet or peanuts. Pestles are divided into single wooden pestle, double wooden pestles and stone pestle. They were usually used together with a square wooden mortar. Traditionally, the mortar and pestle were essential household items for every Amis family. Now, these tools areused in special ceremonies, such as the Harvest Festival, cultural tourism activities and exhibitions."