簡介:" 本館收藏的卑南族的裙有分為男用及女用兩種。男子的裙為少年期穿著的布圍「butan」。少年期的每一年所穿著的布圍形制皆不相同。 malanekan時期的第一、二年,穿著不車毛邊之黑布裙,第三年穿著黑色有花邊之布圍。 malatawan時期的第一年,穿藍色有花邊之布圍,第二年穿著藍色有白花邊之布圍。進入服役期,則著不縫邊之藍布圍。 女子所著之裙分三種。一為短裙「dubil」,在十三四歲之前便開始穿,至十三四歲之後,外頭再加上長及膝下的長裙「labit」。老年婦人的服飾則是在藍色或黑色七分褲之外,在再圍一件膝上的圍裙「sugun」。PuyumaSkirtEthnology卑南裙原住民民族誌標本The museum has skirts worn by men and women in its collection. The one worn by men is the butan worn by young men. The young men would have a different kind of skirt for every year of their age. In the two years of the malaneka period they would wear a black skirt; in the third year they would wear a flower pattern edged cloth which would be wrapped around the lower body sarong style. In the first year of the malatawan period, they would wear a blue flower pattern edged cloth skirt. In the second year this would have a white edge. When they entered warrior age they would wear a plain blue cloth. Women had three kinds of skirt: one was the dubil that was worn before the age of 13. After the age of 13 they would also wear a knee length labit over the dubil. Older women would wear a sugun wraparound skirt over their blue or black three quarter length trousers."