簡介: 警鈴,為人頭木盾雕刻,下方懸吊一鐵製的鈴。這個器物主要是男子在服役期擔使者的任務,通報或者傳遞消息時必須在身上配戴,一邊慢跑一邊發出聲響。在卑南社,長老的使者不論公私任務為何,都在要腰上插上「tawliur」的鳴鐘,禮貌上身為使者的人在路上遇到人,要按住「tawliur」使其不鳴,經通過後再鳴。PuyumaAlarm bellEthnology卑南警鈴原住民民族誌標本The alarm bell was a piece of wood carved with human head on the bottom of which was an iron bell. These were used mainly when warriors were serving as message carriers. They would send messages while they ran. In Puyuma villages, message carriers would always wear a tawliur bell. It was required etiquette for message carriers to hold the bell and prevent it making a sound when encountering other people.