簡介:Deity Puppet TeamparadeThis is a kind of human puppet about twice the height of an average person. The puppeteer will need to hide under the clothes of the deity puppet to carry and manipulate it to walk or dance. The puppeteer will also need to swing the puppet’s hands at the same time to bring the audience a kind of strange and solemn feeling. Instead of a single deity puppet, it is a deity puppet team that usually appears in the parade.神偶團陣頭 是一種尪仔性質的神像,一般多高於成人兩倍,由一人躲在其衣服內部扛弄,或行走或舞跳,雙手也會在行進間擺動,帶給人一種既奇特又肅穆的感覺。出現時很少形單影隻,而是集體現身,如土地公、七爺八爺、以及近來相當流行的電音三太子。媽祖遶境進香的隊伍中,千里眼與順風耳必定相隨,走在大轎的前方,面部顏色通常一紅一綠,煞是搶眼。