簡介:"Dajia MatsuPilgrimagePeace Praying CeremonyThe date of the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage is arranged by drawing the wooden divinatory stalks at midnight on the Lantern Festival day,He 15th of the first lunar month. At about 6 in that evening, temple officials will invite the presence of Matsu and her two generals, Chienliyen (千里眼) and Shunfenger (順風耳), to ask for the approval of the pilgrimage date from the deity at the prepared altar. In general, the pilgrimage is arranged on a holiday in the third lunar month to enable believers to join the event. After determining the date of departure (起駕, the lift of the sedan chair), the hosts of the ritual will report to Matsu about the agenda of the annual pilgrimage. 媽祖 大甲媽祖的遶境進香日期,在元宵節(農曆元月十五日)當天晚上會擲筊決定。約莫傍晚六點,廟方就會請出正爐媽、副爐媽、湄州媽以及千里眼、順風耳兩位神將,備好香案,開始請示媽祖。大抵上出發日期都以農曆三月初的假日為主,方便信徒出發。在起駕日確定之後,頭香、貳香、參香、贊香會依序跟媽祖報告當年度遶境進香事宜,也會貼上各香紅紙公告。 "