簡介:"Baishatun MatsuPilgrimageBurner Opening CeremonyThe ceremony is usually held on the twelfth day from the return. Temple staff will first read the prayer memorial and offer incense to worship Matsu. Then, staff will move the incense burner to the altar. At this moment, the shrine curtains will be rolled up to let Matsu statue meet with the believers. Next, temple staff will take out the Fire pot and distribute the incense ashes collected from the pilgrimage into each incense burner. Then, temple staff will take over the fire pot and head banner. Believers will take some incense ashes from the temple’s burner, put them into a red pack, and bring them home to put into their incense burners. Believers will also enjoy the dumpling soup together, symbolizing the total success of the pilgrimage. 白沙屯媽進香 在回鑾第十二天舉行。廟方人員首先恭唸疏文並獻香祭拜,然後將香擔移至神案。此時神龕的布簾被打開,媽祖出現在信眾面前。接著廟方人員將火缸取出,把進香取回的香灰一一分進廟裡的每個香爐。 火缸及懸掛的頭旗被收下。信眾取出廟中香爐裡的少許香灰,裝入紅包袋帶回家,添入自家廳堂的香爐。眾人並分食著湯圓,象徵本次進香的圓滿達成。 "