簡介:"哨角隊陣頭 哨角隊的成員數並沒有一定要求,但目前為一、二十人。每次的行經廟宇停駐,成員便會列隊吹起一陣哨角,一方面宣佈主神即將到來,另一方面低沈的鳴音也傳達莊嚴的排場。而哨角的外型和嗩吶有些相似,但長度卻多出許多,達四尺多,以黃銅製造,有直式與L型兩種。 ShaojiaoTeamparadeShaojiao is a kind of musical instrument (the shaojiao (哨角) looks like a lengthened suona up to four feet long, made of brass with the horizontal style and L style.) There is no specific requirement on the number of Shaojiao team members; however, it is usually a team of 10 to 20 trumpeters. When the procession stops by a temple, the team will blow their Shaojiaos to announce the arrival of the deity and to bring a solemn atmosphere to the scene with the low fanfare."