簡介:"Baishatun MatsuPilgrimageAmong all Matsu pilgrimages held in Taiwan, the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage is rather special. When compared with other Matsu pilgrimages with well-planned and well-organized itineraries, the Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage process at the deity’s will. Therefore, there is neither an itinerary nor a route. Also, walking throughout the pilgrimage is emphasized. On 15th of the twelfth lunar month, the burner master will draw the wooden divinatory blocks to ask for Matsu’s approval of the upcoming pilgrimage’s agenda, including the month, the day and the hour of the departure, the pilgrimage, and the return. 白沙屯媽進香 在台灣的媽祖進香活動中,白沙屯可以說是相當特殊的一個。相較於其他進香安排規劃好的行程,白沙屯媽的進香活動,一切「以神意為依歸」,事先完全沒有制定路程,沒有固定路線,並強調進香全程以徒步為主。 農曆十二月十五日,爐主會進行擲茭,向媽祖請示這一次的進香事宜,選定啟駕、進火、回宮的月份、日期、時辰。 "