林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁84-90、182-183&* 劉德六(西元一八○六-一八七五年),字子和,號紅梨館主。江蘇吳江人。夏之鼎弟子,善畫花卉,寫生翎毛與草蟲能得其生趣。 這十二幅畫以花卉為主,配合各種鳥類、昆蟲、動物。花卉以沒骨設色法,鮮麗而不失清雅,運筆輕快靈活,尤其描繪飛動的昆蟲,筆觸銳利流暢,成功的捕捉了對象的生命力。作於四十四歲。 本冊為林宗毅林誠道先生捐贈。 &* Liu Te-liu, style name Tzu-ho and sobriquet Hung-li kuan-chu, was a native of Wu-chiang, Kiangsu. A student of Hsia Chih-ting, he excelled at flower painting and his renderings from life of animals and insects were quite realistic and lively. This album of 12 leaves focuses mainly on flowers, accompanied by a variety of birds, insects, and animals. The flowers are in the coloring method of washes—beautifully opulent yet not gaudy. The brushwork is spirited and free, especially in the rendering of the insects flitting about. The application of the brush is sharp and fluid, successfully capturing the life of the subject. This work, a gift to the Museum from Messrs. Lin Tsung-i and Lin Ch’eng-tao, was done by Liu at the age of 43.