故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁162&* 葉道本,約清嘉慶年間(西元一七九六-一八二○年)畫家,生卒年待考。 本幅以濕筆側鋒寫日落煙橫,山徑歧嶇間,見松竹成蔭,茅茨二重;童子倚閭相望,門外,文士二人,方把臂歸來。通幅雖寫景無多,但筆墨清雅,自有一派山居逸趣溢乎畫表。 本幅為「藝林清賞」冊第九開。 &* Yeh Tao-pen was an artist active during the Chia-ch’ing period. Other details about his life are unknown. Using a slanted brush tip and wet ink, Yeh Tao-pen has painted the sun setting into the dimness of dusk. A path winds through a forest comprised of luxuriant pines and bamboo. A boy leans by the door waiting for his master, while outside there are two scholars who have just returned. Although there are few descriptive details in the painting, the brush work is clear and elegant, evoking the carefree feeling of a mountainous dwelling. This painting is the ninth leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-sheng.