石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3137-3138&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁133-135&*故宮歷代法書全集,第八冊,頁58-71、200-201&*此卷雖然具名董其昌(一五五五~一六三六)臨書,書法的氣息卻有距離,當屬後人託名之作。原作者可能為董其昌的追隨者,認同董氏重視臨書的書學理論,揣摩古人的筆法,而後找到個人努力的方向。所臨月儀帖,原屬晉唐之際朋友間書信往來的範本,或稱為「朋友書儀」、「十二月朋友相聞書」。其內容按月排序,每月稍變問候方式,典雅的文辭具見古人交友殷殷致意之情。(20110407)&* Though this handscroll is ascribed as a copy by Dong Qichang, the style is somewhat removed from his, indicating his name was added to it. However, the original calligrapher might also have been a follower of Dong who identified with his calligraphy theory emphasizing imitation. By fathoming the brushwork of the ancients with copying, one could later strive and find personal direction. The modelbook copied here with examples of letters written by friends in the Jin and Tang dynasties is also known as Letters Among Friends and Friends Writing in the Twelve Months. The contents are arranged by month, with the greeting slightly different each time, the classic diction revealing sincere salutations between friends in ancient times.(20110407)