石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2564&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁265&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十六冊,頁156-167、189-191&*俞和(西元一三○七-一三八二年)字子中,號紫芝生,杭州人。少時學書得趙孟頫指授,遍臨晉唐諸體,行草書幾可與趙氏亂真。 此幅臨張芝章草,章草自趙孟頫始至於明初,漸有復興之勢,字形上帶有隸書波磔,字字區別個個獨立。本幅運筆和緩,勾挑露鋒,轉折有楷書的意味,結體圓扁,表現出章草書古拙的趣味。本幅選自「元人臨漢晉各帖」冊第九幅。&*Yu Ho, who resided in Hangchow, was taught calligraphy as a youth by Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322) and often copied the Chin and T'ang styles. His semi-cursive script was similar to that of Chao's. This work is a copy of draft cursive by Chang Chih. Draft cursive from Chao Meng-fu to the early Ming (1368-1644) enjoyed a gradual revival and retained the exaggerations of ancient clerical script. Each character is individual with an archaic and straightforward style. The brushwork is leisurely, the tip of the brush exposed, and the turns appear like standard script. The flattened features of the characters reveal the archaic manner of draft cursive. This is the 9th leaf from the album "Copies of Han and Chin Models by Yuan Calligraphers."