故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁219& 本幅為「宋人集繪」冊之一開。繪小犬嬉戲花貓於庭苑間,山石旁秋葵盛開,雙蝶翩然起舞。用筆細緻而佳趣活現,染繪皆極清奇婉麗。 畫幅右下石間有「李迪」之款,然筆調風貌已晚,疑是後人仿作。按李迪(活動於西元12世紀),河南孟縣人。北宋宣和時任職畫院,授成忠郎,至南紹興年間再復職,為書院副使,賜金帶。工畫花鳥、走獸、竹石。 & This is the first leaf from the album collected Paintings by Sung Artists. Shown here is a small dog on the ground playing with a cat on a garden rock surrounded by hibiscus in bloom. Two butterflies flit about the left part of the painting. The brushwork is delicate and the scene lively, giving the work a sense of purity and beauty. On the rock in the lower right corner is a signature reading,” I Ti .”The style ,however, is a later, suggesting that the signature was added by somebody else. I Ti, a native of Honan province, served as a court painter in the late Northern Sung and resumed service in the early Southern Sung .He excelled at painting birds-and-flowers, animals, and bamboo-and-rocks.