石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1124-1126&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁271&* 吳弘猷,生卒年不詳,約活動於崇禎(西元一六二八-一六四四)年間,據畫上款印,是浙江嘉興人,字涵碧。 河塘上,一鳥棲於荷莖,回望斜出的一支的芙蓉,幅左蘆葦菊花叢聚,構成一幅清雅怡人的河塘小景。鉤花點葉兼用雙鉤沒骨法,用筆流暢輕緩,草草寫意,不求工似,是典型晚明花鳥畫的作風。 &* The birth and death dates of Wu Hung-yu are not known, but he was active during the reign of the Ch’ung-chen emperor (r. 1628-1644). According to inscriptions and seals on his paintings, he was native of Chia-hsing in Chekiang and went by the style name of Han-pi. In this painting of a river bank, a bird is perched on a lotus stem and looks back at the diagonally extending stem of hibiscus. To the left are clusters of reeds and chrysanthemums, forming an intimate river bank scene that is pure and elegant. The outlined flowers and dotted leaves were rendered with the “double outline” and “boneless ink’ methods, respectively. The brushwork is fluent and soft in a “sketching ideas” manner, which does not seek delicate realism. This work is a typical late Ming dynasty bird and flower style of painting.