故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁140&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁264-271&*《尚書》〈舜典〉記載,帝舜以文德歸服遠方民族,命舞者在階前持「干」與「羽」表演「文舞」,表示宣揚文教。畫中帝舜坐在有高台的廳堂上,身後置琴案,台階前穿紅衣的舞者分別持楯(盾牌)及翳(羽毛裝飾的手杖)。畫家捕捉住他們抬腳的動作,並描繪飄動的衣服,呈現出舞蹈的動態,與台上端坐的人物形成對比。&* The record of “Statutes of Shun ” in the Book of Documents refers to King Shun using civility and virtue to win over distant peoples. He ordered dancers to hold “shields” and “staffs” before the steps to perform the “dance of civility”, expressing the propagation of culture. In the painting, King Shun is seated in the hall above, behind him being a zither table. In front of the platform steps are dancers wearing red and holding a shield and staff adorned with feathers. The artist captured their movement of lifting feet as well as fluttering clothes, expressing the action of dancing, which contrast with the static figure seated above.