石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1859-1860&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁155&*清門應兆補繪蕭雲從離騷圖 門應兆,一作應詔,字吉占,正黃旗漢軍人。乾隆時由工部主事派充四庫館繪圖分校官。官至寧國知府。善界畫樓閣、人物及花卉、兼及寫真。 此圖作於乾隆四十七年(一七八二)。畫離騷,用筆工謹。門氏於乾隆四十三年(一七七八)為西清硯譜繪圖,今將原書及所描硯兩方一併展出。 &* Men Y’in-chao, tzu (style name) Chi-chan, was a member of the Chinese troop “Plain Yellow Banner” division. During Ch’ien-lung’s reign (1736-1795), he became a government official and was assigned to Ssu-ku Hall as a draftsman by the Ministry of Works and later he was promoted to be the Prefect of Ning-kuo. Men excelled in paintings of architectural elements, figures and flowers painted in the realistic manner. In this painting the artist uses careful and precise brushlines to define the forms. The picture was done in 1782. Men Y’in-chao also drew the illustrations for the catalogue on ink stones Hsi-ch’ing Yen P’u in 1778. Exhibited together with this painting are two inkstones and the catalogue. &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十六冊,頁182-191