故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁157&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十七冊,頁348-351&* 夏宗輅,生卒年不詳。 畫盛開木蘭一枝,蜿蜒向上,極富姿態。看似以白描法畫折枝木蘭,但細看始知所有的線條、塊面和皴法均以極小的壽字排成,顯為賀壽而作。此幅為<畫壽字花卉冊頁>中一幅,全冊共十二幅,其中十一幅以花卉如梅、牡丹、石榴、月季、水仙、茶花、梨花、虞美人、萱花和菊花為主題,第十二幅為竹和靈芝,均以壽字排成,雖有祝壽之意,展現的卻是生態之美,可算別出心裁。(20110102)&* The birth and death dates as well as the biographical information concerning Xia Zonglu are unknown. This painting depicts a branch of magnolia in full bloom as it winds upwards through the composition in a very full manner. It is a “broken branch” painting of magnolia that appears to be done using the “baimiao” technique of fine ink-line brushwork. However, close examination reveals that all of the lines, areas, and texturing were done in lines of minute “longevity” (shou 壽) characters, making this actually a painting for birthday blessings. This work is from “Album Leaves of Flowers Painted with Longevity Characters,” which includes a total of twelve leaves. Of them, eleven depict flowers, such as the plum blossom, peony, pomegranate, Chinese rose, narcissus, camellia, pear, field poppy, day lily, and chrysanthemum. The twelfth depicts bamboo and spirit fungus. All were done with longevity shou characters cleverly arranged. Although conveying a message of birthday blessings, theser works also express the beauty of flowers and plants for a truly creative approach.(20110102)&*1.〈清 夏宗輅 木蘭〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁114。