石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁736&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁75&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁260-263&* 陸遠(活動於十七世紀中葉),生卒年待考,字靜致。畫史上出現過兩位陸遠,俱明末清初人士。依本冊末幅陸遠款題下,鈐印「靜致」而定。陸遠善畫山水,宗法米氏。此冊山水共十幅,俱為陸遠個人之畫集。雖在筆意上,追仿宋元名家,但於構圖、敷彩上,皆表現出清朗秀麗之個人特色。此為第四幅。峰嵐飛泉、平坡敞軒,士人憑欄聽泉,一派悠閒。構圖細謹,尤以流泉層層迴瀉而下,更增加了佈局的別致。青綠與水墨交融,夏日蒼翠,景色生動。&* Lu Yüan (style name Ching-chih) was active during the mid-17th century. In painting texts, two artists named Lu Yüan are recorded. Both are late Ming-early Ch’ing painters. According to the signature and the seal on the last leaf of this album, Lu Yüan with the style name Ching-chih painted this. Lu Yüan excelled in landscape painting, studying the styles of Mi Fu (1051-1107) and Mi Yu-jen (1086-1107). There are ten leaves in this album of landscapes, all of which reveal Lu Yüan’s own personal style. Although he copied the brushwork and brush method of famous artists from the Sung (960-1279) and Yüan (1279-1368) dynasties, he revealed his light and exquisite individual style in the composition and use of colors. The brushwork throughout the album is refined, and his depictions of water are especially convincing. This is a particularly fine album.