石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3181&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁566&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁391-392&*Sparse Grove in the Manner of Ni Tsan Tung Pang-ta Ch’ing dynasty Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’an, hao Tung-shan) was born in the thirty-eighth year of the K’ang-his period, 1699; died in the thirty-fourth year of the Ch’ien-lung period, 1769; and was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. He took his chin-shih degree in 1733. He held a government position as a compiler and took part in the compilation of the Shih-ch’ü pao-chi, the Mi-tien chu-lin, and the His-ch’ing ku-chien. He was very fond of calligraphy and painting and in his landscape paintings he was a follower of Wang Yüan-ch’i. He excelled at using a dry brush and describing rocks and mountains with dry and withered texture strokes. The range of his ink gradations was extremely full and he was very able to express the dense and substantial qualities of mountains and impart a refined and elegant atmosphere. &* 作者董邦達,生於聖祖康熙三十八(公元一六九九)年,死在高宗乾隆三十四(公元一七六九)年。浙江富陽人。字孚存,號東山,中雍正十一年進士,乾隆二年授編修。曾參加石渠寶笈、秘殿珠林、西清古鑑諸書的編纂工作。生性愛好書法和繪畫。 他的山水畫,也是師學生原祁,擅長使用渴筆,山石皴擦乾枯,然而墨色層次極厚,最能表現山色的蒼鬱靈秀之氣。