石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1707&*國立故宮博物院剌繡,頁11&*剌繡特展圖錄,頁36-37、128&*本幅以緙絲及刺繡二法織繡而成,技藝精湛。圖中童子、九羊宛然如活,並綴滿松、梅、坡石、雲水、花草,通幅充盈,色澤鮮麗,饒洋洋喜氣。&* This hanging scroll consists of embroidery work applied onto tapestry. The combination shows an extraordinarily unusual technique and well-planned execution. The boy on a ram, the two attendant boys and the nine goats have been embroidered in satin stitch with thick strands of virtually unplied silk floss. The blossoms are also embroidered. The rest of the surface area is of tapestry. Rocks and slopes, clouds and waters, and grass and flowers fill up the entire canvas. Fresh and resplendent colors coordinate in producing the atmosphere of happiness and harmony, which is symbolically represented by goats. For, in Chinese the words “goat” and “sun” are of the same pronunciation and thus goat is supposed to bring the warming sun of the spring season.