緙絲特展圖錄,頁28-29、96&*藍地設色織。圓光中,佛趺坐蓮臺,莊嚴肅穆。本幅為所見緙絲佛像中最精者,原粉本及織工皆屬上品。佛像頭部、手、腿及衣紋線條緙織無不細膩入微,緯線分色不著痕跡。無款印。 &*藍地設色織。織佛趺坐在蓮臺上,神情莊嚴肅穆。 本幅是緙絲佛像中最精采的作品,織工巧細,像佛像的頭部、手、腿及衣紋的線條等部分都緙織細膩入微,緯線的分色更是不著痕跡,深淺變化細緻自然。 &* This tapestry is made up of colored threads against a light silk background surrounded by an area of dark blue threads. The Buddha is shown here seated cross-legged on a decorative lotus pedestal with a serene and calm expression. The figure’s hands are in a gesture of meditation. This is one of the finest examples of a tapestry portrayal of the Buddha. The weaving is very skillful, and the lines for the head, hands, feet, and drapery are exceptionally refined. The manipulation of colored threads is also flawless as the differentiation between dark and light was done in a fine and natural manner.