石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1047&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁35&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁251-254&*北宋文人雅士經常會集飲酒、賦詩、談笑或作畫。後人往往將其雅行逸事繪成故事畫,以供紀念或玩賞。「西園雅集」是畫北宋名士蘇軾、米芾、黃庭堅等十餘人宴集於駙馬爺王詵庭園之中的一次聚會。主要人物上均題有名字,全作傅彩清麗,鋪陳有序,為明代人仿劉松年筆意之作。 劉松年(一一七四—一二二四年),是南宋孝宗時期的宮廷畫家,以工畫山水、人物而聞名。&*Literary gatherings in the Northern Sung (960-1126) often included drinking alcohol, composing poetry, light conversation, and painting. Later artists took their activities and illustrated them as a form of appreciation or commemoration. The theme here involves a gathering of more than ten figures, including such Northern Sung luminaries as Su Shih, Mi Fu, and Huang T'ing-chien, in the garden of Wang Shen, an imperial relative. The major figures also include labels for identification. The coloring is pure and the arrangement orderly. This is a Ming dynasty (1368-1644) work imitating Liu Sung-nien's style. Liu started his career as a court painter under Emperor Hsiao-tsung, and he was famous for his paintings of landscapes and figures.&*本卷繪宋代雅士高僧蘇軾、黃庭堅、米芾、圓通大師等盛會於王詵西園。十六人分四組:王詵、蔡肇和李之儀圍觀蘇軾寫書法;秦觀聽陳景元彈阮;王欽臣觀米芾題石;蘇轍、黃庭堅、晁補之、張耒、鄭靖老觀李公麟畫陶潛歸去來圖;劉涇與圓通大師談無生論。 劉松年(西元十二世紀末期至十三世紀初期)為南宋畫院待詔,錢塘人。山水人物師張敦禮。西園雅集世傳多個版本,本卷成畫年代約於明代。(20091016)&* This handscroll depicts a gathering of luminaries such as Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, and Monk Yuantong in the Western Garden of Wang Shen. The 16 figures are divided into 4 groups. Wang Shen, Cai Zhao, and Li Zhiyi surround Su Shi and watch him do calligraphy. Qin Guan listens to Chen Jingyuan play the ruan zither. Wang Qinchen watches Mi Fu inscribe a rock, while Su Zhe, Huang Tingjian, Zhao Buzhi, Zhang Lei, and Zheng Jinglao watch Li Gong-lin illustrate Tao Yuanming’s “Returning Home.” Liu Jing and Yuantong discuss the theory of no-birth. Liu Songnian, a native of Qiantang, was a Painter-in-Attendance at the Painting Academy. Many versions of this gathering were done over the ages, and this one dates to about the Ming era (1368-1644).(20091016)