石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1387&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁51-52&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁209-210&*燕肅(西元九九一—一O四O年),青州益都(今山東益都)人。字穆之,一字仲穆。北宋真宗朝第進士,歷官至龍圖閣直學士,以禮部尚書致仕,故人稱燕龍圖。文學治行,縉紳推之,尤喜畫山水寒林。 雪巖寒江,村屋數間,一人持杖行於孤橋。全幅皴筆甚少,以水墨遍染江天,頗得蕭瑟寒冷之意。本幅無作者款印,幅上姚氏籤題標為「宋燕穆之寒巖積雪圖」。&*Yen Su (style names Mu-chih and Chung-mu) was a native of Yi-tu, Ch'ing-chou (modern Yi-tu, Shantung). He obtained the chin-shih degree during the reign of the emperor Chen-tsung (r. 998-1023). In his career as an official, he reached the position of Academician of the Dragon Diagram Hall and retired as Minister of Rites. Later generations thus called him, "Yen of the Dragon Diagram Hall." Yen's literary accomplishments were praised by his fellow gentry. He was especially fond of painting landscapes and wintry forests. A few village houses are scattered along a wintry river and amidst snowy cliffs in this painting. A figure holding a staff walks alone on a bridge. The painting has been executed with few texture strokes, using ink wash to depict the river and sky. The painter has captured a chilly and desolate feeling. Although there is no seal on the work, a label by a Mr. Yao calls it "Cliffs Blanketed in Snow by Yen Su of the Sung Dynasty."