故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁556&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁153-154&* 蕭晨,生卒年不詳。字靈曦,號中素,江蘇揚州人。山水、人物,師法唐宋,畫雪推名手。其人物設色妍雅,衣紋清勁流走。善詩賦,隱梓人中,人以工役之,往役受值,待以詩人,則行朋友之禮。 地凍天寒,一片瑞雪照豐年。溪岸叢竹人家,雪壓垂柳。木橋橫江,二人緩緩行來,一持傘,一戴帽披蓑,皆弓身前進,不甚瑟縮,顯見濃濃寒意。 &* Hsiao Ch’en (style name Ling-hsi and sobriquet Chung-su) was a native of Yangchou, Kiangsu. In his landscape and figure paintings, he followed the styles of T’ang (618-907) and Sung (960-1279) masters. Excelling at snowscapes, the figures in his paintings are elegantly colored and the drapery lines are taut yet flowing. Hsiao was also well-respected among his friends as a talented poet. In this painting of a cold and frozen scene is a thick shod of snow, the water of which portends an abundant harvest for the coming year. The snow is shown covering the houses and weighing down the bamboo in the garden as well as the willow trees by the shore. Two travellers approach the wooden bridge that spans the creek. One carries an umbrella and the other wears a hat and a hemp raincoat. Huddled and leaning, the figures fully convey the numbing cold of winter.