故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁238&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁433-436&* 董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),字玄宰,號香光、思翁,松江華亭人。萬曆十七年進士,天啟年間官至南京禮部尚書,後請歸故里,隱居以書畫自娛。近景坡石間喬松、枯木及雜樹林立,多以濃淡墨橫點,樹後露出幾間屋宇。高峻山巒互疊,草木蒼翠,對岸遠山起伏連綿,遙接天際。山石繪法採披麻皴,並以水墨暈染,雖仿自黃公望、趙孟頫,仍具有率筆寫意的董氏特色。&* Tung Ch’i-ch’ang, a native of the Shanghai area, was a scholar-official but better known as one of the most prominent painter-calligraphers and connoisseurs of his time. On the slope in the foreground here is a scene of lofty pines, withered trees, and other trees rendered mostly with horizontal strokes in light and dark ink. Behind the trees and emerging from the mist are several buildings. Lofty peaks and ridges extend to the rear along with luxuriant grasses and woods. On the opposite bank, distant peaks rise towards the sky. The slope was done with long texture strokes and washed with ink. Though following the Yüan styles of Huang Kung-wang and Chao Meng-fu, this work still reveals the light “sketching ideas” brushwork associated with Tung.