庭園之中,几案紛列,髯者數人,有持扇、閱卷、脫帽、盥洗者。此圖與本院所藏宋劉松年「十八學士圖」長卷之一段構圖近似,選取其中不同人物活動、家具陳設、花園點景而成,主題應為文會而非勘書。院中所擺置家具、器物種類繁多,有長案、方桌、方凳、環墩、靠背扶手椅、琴、書卷、酒器、香爐等。此圖應為明代中晚期臨本,畫家對器物造型描寫頗多,但在人物繪法上有些呆板。&*Depicted in this work is a courtyard with a table in the middle surrounded by several men engaged in various activities, such as holding a fan, reading a book, having just taken off a cap, and washing hands. The composition is similar to a segment of the Museum's long handscroll The Eighteen Scholars by Liu Sung-nien. With activities, furniture, and a garden scene differing from those seen in Studying Texts, the theme here is that of a literary gathering. The many objects and furniture include tables, stools, backed chairs with hand rests, a zither, books, wine vessels, and an incense burner. This is probably a copy of the 16-17th century. The artist was careful to describe many objects, but the style appears stiff in terms of the rendering of the figures.&*石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁977&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁142&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁85-86