故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133 &故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁245-246& 陳兆鳳的生平里籍猶待考查。 這是一件描寫宮廷中擺設的巨幅大畫。精美的彩瓷瓶上,插著紫藤、碧桃 等顏色繽紛的花卉植物;玻璃魚缸內,則畫著悠游在浮萍、水草之間的四條金魚。畫花卉以寫生的手法,中規中矩,一筆不茍,與花瓶紋飾之細緻工筆,搭配和諧。 宮廷畫家為美化宮廷生活的主要參與者,製作繪畫供皇宮懸掛是他們的主要工作。陳氏或許是服務於清宮內廷的畫家。 &Vase with Blossoms, Plants and Fish Ch’en Chao-feng Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Further research awaits for the biography of Ch’en Chao-feng. This large hanging scroll describes a court arrangement. The beautifully decorated vase includes an arrangement of equally attractive blossoms, including crape myrtle and peach. Next to it in the glass bowl, four goldfish leisurely swim among water plants. The flowers were painted in the “sketching from life” manner. Done very carefully, not a single stroke appears missing. In fine brushwork with as much care as the vase decoration, they form a harmonious relationship. Painters beautified court life, and they made hanging scrolls to decorate palace buildings. Perhaps Ch’en was a Ch’ing dynasty court painter.