故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁257-258&* 羅浮山在今廣東省博羅縣西北,據志書記載,因羅山、浮山相會合,故有「羅浮」之稱。古來羅浮傳為道家修行之地,自宋代蘇軾貶謫嶺南之後,作詩歌詠,羅浮之名漸為世人知曉。此幅羅浮山圖,註明山區各景點,層次井然,寓有圖說紀錄的性質。作者董教增(一七五○-一八二二),字益甫,江蘇上元人,官至閩浙總督,曾於嘉慶年間任官廣東巡撫,對於羅浮山地理、民俗了解相當深入。&*Lo-fu Mountains Tung Chiao-tseng (1750-1822) Ch’ing Dynasty Mount Lo-fu is in northwest Po-lo County, modern Kwangtung. According to notes in gazetteers, Mounts Lo and Fu join together and thus go by the name Lo-fu. Since antiquity, it has been associated with Taoist cultivation. After Su Shih (1036-1101) was banished to the area and wrote poetry and songs there, the fame of Lo-fu gradually rose. This painting of Mount Lo-fu has each scenic spot labeled in an orderly fashion, much like a record of text and image. Tung Chiao-tseng, a native of Shang-yüan in Kiangsu, served as Governor general of Fukien-Chekiang and also as Governor of Kwangtung during the Chia-ch’ing era (1796-1820), so he must have been quite familiar with the geography and customs of the area.