石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1630&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁229&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁291-296&* 李宗謨(約活動於十六、十七世紀之間),福建永安人。號小樵,又號古栟子。工人物,間寫山水,白描亦精緻秀雅。用長卷畫蘭亭雅集,前有王羲之在蘭亭內據案停筆觀鵝,後接諸人列於曲水兩岸,並附錄出名銜詩文。這種模式屢次出現,本幅也是如此。本幅畫山石,其線條流利,深受唐寅影響,設色則是近於仇英。李宗謨活動於明代晚期,所受明中期著名畫家影響,是理所當然。 &*Wang Hsi-chih at the Orchid Pavilion Li Tsung-mo (fl. 16th -17th c.) Ming Dynasty Li Tsung-mo, a native of Fukien, was talented at figure and landscape painting. His outline (pai-miao) style was also delicate and elegant. To the right, at the start of a long horizontal scroll showing the Orchid Pavilion gathering, we see Wang Hsi-chih in the pavilion at a table holding a brush and viewing the sinuous necks of geese for inspiration. Following are figures seated along the banks of a winding stream. Also included is a transcription of their names and poems. This format was repeated through the ages, as seen here. The fluent lines of the banks and rocks reveal the influence of T’ang Yin, while the coloring is close to that of Ch’iu Ying. Active at the end of the Ming, Li was influenced by mid-Ming styles.