故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁122&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁135-136&*《禮記》記載,周武王即位時,召師尚父問黃帝顓頊之道還存否?尚父答說在「丹書」中,此丹書傳說是由赤雀所銜,記載上天之道。這幅畫即描繪師尚父呈遞丹書的情景。乾隆帝曾有「丹書受戒」詩,強調古代帝 王的教訓具有鑑戒的價值。 丁觀鵬(約西元一七0七-一七七0年)、順天(今北京)人,擅長人物、道釋畫。雍正年間進入宮廷供職。&*The Book of Rites records that when King Wu of the Chou assumed the throne, he summoned "Great Shang" to ask if the Way of Emperor Chuan-hsü still existed. Shang answered that in the "book of immortality" is said to be delivered in the beak of a vermillion bird, recording the ways of the Heavens. This painting depicts Great Shang presenting the book of immortality. The Ch’ien-lung Emperor of the Ch'ing once wrote a poem "Transmitting the Book of Immortality", emphasizing that the lessons of ancient rules have great didactic value. Ting Kuan-p'eng, a native of Hsün-t'ien (modern Peking), specialized in figure painting and Buddhist and Taoist subjects. He entered court service during the reign of the Yung-cheng Emperor (1723-1735).