石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第三冊,頁1206&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁103&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁261-262&* 鄒一桂(西元一六八六-一七七二年),江蘇無錫人。字原褒,號小山,又號讓卿,晚號二知老人。雍正五年進士,歷官至禮部侍郎,加尚書銜。擅長花卉畫外,又精通畫理,著有〔小山畫譜〕。 此幅繪雁來紅,別名老來紅,是一種草本觀葉植物,秋季葉片由綠轉為紅黃兩色,乍看易將變色葉視作花朵。鄒一桂花卉學惲壽平沒骨疊色漬染,設色秀潤淡雅,畫意盡在畫家題詩之中。 &* Tsou I-kuei (style name Yüan-pao; sobriquets Hsiao-shan, Jang-ch’ing and, late in life, Erh-chih lao-jen) was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu province. He attained the chin-shih degree at the metropolitan civil service examinations in 1727. He became an official and eventually served in the Ministry of Rites and the Department of State Affairs. In addition to excelling in flower painting, he was also well-versed in painting theory, and he wrote a manual of painting, Hsiao-shan hua-p’u. Tsou I-kuei has painted a Chinese amaranth, a kind of plant in which the leaves change from green to red and yellow in the autumn. At a glance, the leaves, now red and yellow, look deceptively like flower petals. Tsou I-kuei studied the “boneless style” (mo-ku) of painting flowers without outlines and the method of adding layer after layer of light, delicately colored washes from the famous artist Yün Shou-p’ing. He further enhanced the painting by inscribing a poem.