石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1051&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁39&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁381-389&* 王蒙(西元一三○八至一三八五年),吳興(今浙江湖州)人。字叔明,號黃鶴山樵。趙孟頫外孫,畫師孟頫,又汎及唐、宋諸名家。生平少用絹素,多於紙上寫之。每得意之處,墨彩濃古,常用數家皴法,逐次填劄,山石樹木多至數層重疊 此圖描繪錢塘昌姓高僧所設之佛室,園中遍植芝蘭,幽蘭生清香,淨洗濁世廛。藉此芝蘭名室廣結善友。此卷畫皴用牛毛,點苔用鼠足,筆墨蒼潤;山石樹木層??充塞滿幅,有古雅拙撲之趣。&*Wang Meng (style name Shu-ming, sobriquet "Woodcutter of Yellow Crane Mountain") was a native of Wu-hsing, present day Soochow. The grandson of Chao Meng-fu, he successfully absorbed Chao's methods, and further assimilated the fortes of T'ang and Sung masters, eventually becoming one of the "Four Masters of the Yüan". Throughout his career, Wang seldom used white silk, but preferred to paint on paper. A pleasing composition to him was one in which varying tones of ink dots and color filled the entire painting surface with layer upon layer of rich textures, imparting an aura of ddark antiquity. This work depicts the Buddhist shrine set up by a high-ranking monk, surrounded with ling-chih fungi and orchids whose fragrance permeates and purifies this sullied world. Through its wide renown, the shrine extend benevolent welcome to all virtuous visitors. Brushwork entails several descriptive techniques. Moss is dotted in the 'rat-foot' method, which is used frequently for pines, and smooth rock surfaces are depicted by the 'cattle-hair' stroke. The scene, at once hoary and ancient, yet moist and fresh, was executed in layers of dense brush effects that completely fill the composition.&*1.邱士華,〈雅集型齋室圖 — 王蒙〈芝蘭室圖〉研究〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第二十二卷第四期(2005年夏),頁61-82。