石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1094&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁10&*文徵明(西元一四七Ο∼一五五九年)初名璧,字徵明,自號衡山,蘇州人。年少即從吳寬(西元一四三五∼一五Ο四年)學文、李應禎(西元一四三一∼九三年)學書、沈周(一四二七∼一五Ο九年)學畫,然十次赴試皆未中第。後經舉薦任翰林待詔,不及五年即辭官歸隱。文徵明兼善書畫,書法各體皆備。中年以王羲之為主幹,晚年行書大字則轉向黃庭堅。本幅書風奔放,乃為人作溪山欲雪圖所賦詩。(20100711)&*Wen Zhengming (original name Bi; style name Zhengming; self-styled sobriquet Hengshan) was a native of Suzhou. In his youth he studied literature under Wu Kuan (1435-1504), calligraphy from Li Yingzhen (1431-1493), and painting under Shen Zhou (1427-1509), sitting for the civil service exams ten times but never passing. He was later recommended as Hanlin Academician-in-Waiting but resigned less than five years later, returning to live in reclusion. Wen Zhengming excelled at both painting and calligraphy, gifted in all the scripts. In his middle years, Wen mostly worked in Wang Xizhi's style, but the large running script of his later years turned to Huang Tingjian's style. The style here is unbridled, having originally been a poem he had inscribed on a painting entitled "Streams and Mountains Before Snow" he did for someone.(20100711)&*文徴明(1470-1559)、本名は璧、字は徴明、自ら衡山と号した。蘇州の人。幼少の頃から詩文は呉寛(1435-1504)に、書は李応禎(1431-1493)に、画は沈周(1427-1509)に学び、十度も科挙に挑んだが終に及第することはなかった。後に推挙されて翰林待詔となったが、五年経たずに退官して帰郷した。書画ともに善くし、書法は各書体に通じていた。中年期は王羲之を主としたが、晩年の行書に見られる大字は黄庭堅の影響である。奔放な書風の本作は、知人のために描いた渓山欲雪図に書いた詩文である。(20100711)