石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁675&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁554&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁133-134&* 陸白為,江蘇遂昌人。字日為,號遂山樵。山水初學米芾(西元1051-1107年)、米友仁(1074-1151),後自成本身面貌。喜歡用挑筆密點,層層點畫,並能作大尺寸的畫作。作品出現的年代在康熙乙丑(1685)至丁丑(1697)間。本幅縱315.9公分,橫129.1公分,是一幅相當巨型的作品。在這樣大的尺幅中,只畫長松一株,凌空而起,在中段一木分為兩幹,枝幹偃俯,糾結盤錯之間,氣勢雄偉。枝幹用粗筆畫出,雄健挺拔;松針則用細筆密實點染,在在都顯得厚實有力,畫出了松的蒼勁。而畫坡地的橫點,用側鋒橫挑而起,可能就是記載中陸白為所喜用的「挑筆」了。(譚怡令)&* 陸蘤字日為,江蘇遂昌人。居松江,號遂山樵。山水初學二米,後以己意自成一局。喜用挑筆密點,不惜百遍,能為尋丈大幅。作品見於康熙乙丑(西元一六八五年)至丁丑(西元一六九七年)間。 長松一株,突兀凌空而起。中途一木分為兩榦,枝皆偃俯,穿插盤錯,甚有氣勢。地坡橫點,用側鋒橫挑而起,或即所謂之挑筆。 &* Lu Wei was a resident of Sui-chiang, Kiangsu. His style name was Jih-wei, he was also known as Sui-shan-chiao. Early in his career he studied the landscapes of Mi Fu and Mi Yu-jen of the Sung dynasty, and later went on to establish his own style. In his landscapes he liked to use thick layers of dots to build his forms, and was especially adept at executing large works. His works date from the period between 1685 and 1697. One tall pine tree looms majestically upwards into open space. From the root, the tree has split into two trunks with its branches growing into writhing forms for a very powerful effect. The ground moss has been rendered with a variation of the ‘Mi’ dot : an oblique brush wet with ink makes an impression and then is quickly lifted off the paper. Dot after dot is built up in this way.