石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2861-2864&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁138-141&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十冊,頁21-39、200-202&*蘇轍(西元一Ο三九∼一一一二),字子由,四川眉山人,與蘇軾同年登第。神宗朝與王安石不合,貶監筠州鹽酒稅。元祐中權吏部尚書,後落職。徽宗朝復官,後退隱。二信札皆寫予王鞏(字定國),右幅內容提及請其帶信給「張公」(即王鞏丈人張方平),推測寫於元祐四年(西元一Ο八九年),時王鞏出知海州。蘇轍書風與其兄長蘇軾相近,姿態灑脫,結字略扁斜傾,惟蘇轍用筆不若蘇軾多逸態。(20100711)&* Su Zhe (a native of Meishan, Sichuan) in Shenzong’s reign came into conflict with Wang Anshi and was banished to Yunzhou. In the Yuanyou reign he became Minister of Personnel, later retiring. He returned to office under Huizong, but then went into reclusion. Both letters here were written to Wang Gong (style name Anguo), the right one asking him to take a letter to “Master Zhang” (Wang’s father-in-law, Zhang Fangping). This suggests it was done in 1089, when Wang was Prefect of Haizhou. Su Zhe’s style was similar to that of his elder brother, Su Shi, the forms dashing and characters flattened and slanted. Su Zhe’s brushwork, however, is not as leisurely as Su Shi’s. This leaf with 2 works is from the album “Three Generations of Su Calligraphy.”(20100711)