石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第六冊,頁2986&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁549&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁13-14&* 黃鼎(西元一六六○至一七三○年)常熟人,字尊古,號曠亭,自稱獨往客,晚號淨垢老人。丘園(王原祁)弟子,善山水,師麓臺石谷(王翬),海內並稱大家。長松紅葉,峯壑寒庭。構圖用筆,雖仿王蒙,猶自有石谷影響。不若他幅之涵渾自然,或是較早之作,然而亦精緻矣。宋以後山水,秋景甚少染天者,此幅天用墨染,甚是創格。&* Huang Ting (1660-1730), a native of Kiangsu, had the style name Tsun-ku and the sobriquet Kuang-t’ing. He excelled at painting landscapes, an art he learned from two other Great Masters of the Ch’ing Dynasty—Wang Yüan-ch’i and Wang Hui. This painting depicts the first chill of autumn descending upon the valley peaks. A dry brush, Huang Ting’s particular signature, is employed throughout the landscape. Although composition and brush style are modeled after the Yüan master Wang Meng, this painting still reveals the influence of Huang’s teacher Wang Hui, and does not possess the natural moistness of many of his other paintings. The use of a wash in the sky, a feature seldom employed after the Sung dynasty, gives this painting a special quality.