故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&*孫克弘(西元一五三三-一六一一年),一作克宏,字允執,號雪居,松江(今上海市)人。天資高敏,畫山水學馬遠,雲山倣米芾,花鳥似徐熙、趙昌,竹倣文同,蘭倣鄭思肖,時寫人物、仙釋,兼帶梁楷筆意,縱橫點綴,皆有根據。名重一時,求其畫者甚多。在水之湄,芙蓉數朵垂斜,旁蘆葦一枝橫出,叢花密葉中,有雛菊映襯隙間。此圖以勁利之筆寫幹作花,設色古淡,極有生意。本幅為「明花卉畫冊」第八開。 &*Hibiscus Sun K’o-hung (1533-1611) Ming Dynasty Sun K’o-hung (style name Yün-chih, sobriquet Hsüeh-chü), a native of Sung-chiang (modern Shanghai), possessed an innate talent for painting. He followed the styles of Ma Yüan for landscape painting, Ni Fu for cloudy mountains, Hsü His and Chao Ch’ang for birds and flowers, Wen T’ung for bamboo, and Cheng Ssu-hsiao for orchids. He was also able to paint figures including immortals and Buddhist subjects, capturing the brush method of Liang K’ai. Every brushstroke – a line, a dash, a dot – was steeped in tradition. He was quite famous, and collectors seeking his paintings abounded. Hibiscus flowers sway over the water’s edge, and a reed juts out across the composition. The hibiscus flowers, thickly clustered together amid the leaves, are complemented by daisies. Sun K’o-hung has used tensile brushstrokes as well as light, refined colors, thereby producing a painting full of vitality. This is the eighth leaf in the album Flowers by Ming Artists (Ming hua-hui hua-ts’e).