故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&*1.〈明人梅妻鶴子圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《園林名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年十月初版),頁78。 &* 本幅選自明人畫「岩壑清暉」冊,殆寫林逋(和靖)與梅妻鶴子之故實。 前景採細謹之筆繪庭石、敞軒、迴廊,園中則輔以梅林高下掩映,雙鶴閒步。堂內,和靖先生伏岸對窗,形容高邁,點出隱逸之主題,迴廊間並見童子二人相顧行來,一捧書笥,一端茶盞,平添動靜兩相呼應之功。通幅佈置簡潔,益遠益清,雖近景屬青綠設色,然未稍減文人式園林之雅澹本質。 &* This work, which is selected from the album Painting the Dike Walls' Halcyon Brightness, depicts the story of Lin Pu (967-1028), a calligrapher, poet, and painter of the Sung dynasty. Lin Lived at a retreat on Mount Ku near West Lake; he never married but referred to the plum blossoms and cranes in his garden as his wife and children. Lin Pu is portrayed here in his garden retreat. The artist has conveyed the feeling of both action and repose: Lin sits quietly at a table by the window, while two servants hurry along the covered waldway carrying a box of books and a tea tray. The rocks in the foreground of this succinctly arranged composition have been meticulously rendered, as have the buildings and waldway that are sheltered in the shade of a grove of plum blossoms. The painting is paler in the distance, while the foreground is limned in bright blues and greens--colors that are not so bright, however, that they transgress the delicate palette appropriate to a garden of a member of the literati.