石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1105&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁243&*倪瓚(西元一三0一至一三七四年),字元鎮,號雲林,又署雲林子,或雲林散人。江蘇無鍚人。嘗築清閟閣,以藏其所收之古書畫。生平好學,工詞翰,善書畫。山水先以董源為師,後法荊關,好寫汀渚遙岑,小山竹樹等平遠景。晚年喜畫竹,以寫胸中逸氣。 本幅畫新篁數竿,一石獨立。竹葉繁疏濃淡有致,由其畫竹枝葉筆力,可見其書法精湛。石頭紋理變化,全以皴擦苔點構築,凹凸分明。此畫構圖精簡,意趣天成。&*Ni Tsan was a native of Wu-hsi Kiangsu. His family was wealthy and possessed a fine collection of paintings and calligraphy. He was a scholar by nature, a skilled poet, calligrapher and painter. His landscapes were modeled after Tung Yüan, Ching Hao and Kuan T'ung. Ni Tsan excelled as a painter of river landscapes. Late in life he was fond of painting bamboo that was expressive of his personal feelings. Several stalks of new bamboo grow by a single rock, their leaves designed with rhythmic clarity. Ni Tsan's bamboo reveals the extent of his brush-strength, and thus suggests his skill in calligraphy. The rock is formed with rubbed texture strokes and dots that skillfully describe its three-dimensionality. The painting's composition is pure and sparse, and the concept marvelously spontaneous and unforced.