故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁221 &*石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁710 &* Lou Yue (style name Dafang, self-styled sobriquet Meikui zhuren) was from the famous Lou clan of Siming. Developing a habit for collecting of books, he became learned in the Classics, history, and philosophy, also delving into the etymology of characters. As a result, his wording was pure and elegant but also with a deep sense of meaning. His writings survive in Collection of Meikui. As for calligraphy, Lou Yue was gifted at large characters and once wrote a plaque on the order of Emperor Gaozong for the National University. This note was written as a request to redress a legal dispute involving land for an ancestral shrine. In the Siming area the ancestral shrine was managed by Lou Yue’s uncles Wang Dayou and Shen Huan, following the establishment of an ancestral shrine by Fan Zhongyan in the Northern Song. Financial assistance came mostly from later generations in the hometown, including both rich and poor scholars. After the death of Wang Dayou, fellow villagers elected Lou Yue to manage the shrine. The contents of this work correlate with Lou Yue’s text, “Record on the Ancestral Shrine.”(20101015)&*樓鑰(1137-1213),字大防,自號攻媿主人,出身宋代著名四明樓氏,性喜藏書,博通經史百家,精研訓詁,文辭淡雅卻寓意深刻。著有《攻媿集》。書法上善作大字,曾奉宋高宗令書太學之匾。 此劄樓鑰為義莊田產爭訟一事寫信請託。四明地區的義莊是樓鑰之舅汪大猶與沈煥等,仿效北宋范仲淹家族義莊設立,以鄉里貧士與官宦貧窮後人為主要濟助對象,汪氏歿後鄉人推舉樓鑰管理。內容可與樓鑰〈義莊記〉相互印證。(20101015)&*1.侯怡利,〈呈提舉郎中契丈劄子〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁355。