石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1094&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁9&*唐寅(1470-1523)是明代中期活動於蘇州的重要藝術家。年輕時以仕宦為志,三十歲那年科場中遭遇挫折後,轉而寄情於詩文書畫,養成日後在藝壇上的成就。 這幅字書於三十七歲(1506)。詩中描寫良辰美景,賞心樂事,從遣詞用字和意境來看,應是唐寅自己作的詩。書寫時輕鬆的提頓,圓轉流暢的運筆,呼應了詩中所要表達的愉悅心情。 (20110913)&*Tang Yin (style name Bohu), a native of Wuxian (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu), was an important artist active in the Suzhou area during the middle of the Ming dynasty. In his youth he had ambitions of becoming an official, but after becoming implicated in a scandal at the civil service examinations at the age of 30, he turned instead to express himself in poetry, painting, and calligraphy, yielding the results he achieved later in art circles. This work was done at the age of 37 by Chinese reckoning (in 1506). It describes fine scenery and Tang’s happy mood at the time. From the words in his verse and the imagery he conjured, it is probably a poem that Tang wrote himself. The calligraphy is light in the lifting and application of the brush, the rounded turns of the fluid brush movement echoing the joyful emotions expressed in the poetry. (20110913)