石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2564&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁265&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十六冊,頁156-167、189-191&*鮮于樞(西元一二五七-一三0二年),字伯機,號困學民,漁陽(今屬北京)人。善詞賦通音律,能鑑定書畫及古器物。意氣雄豪,博學負才,工書善畫。行楷得晉唐雄勁筆意,草書學懷素。趙孟頫曾謂:「伯機草書過余遠甚,極力追之而不能及。」 此帖臨自獻之鵝群帖,筆勢豪邁健勁,使轉縱橫,落筆不苟,氣魄雄強。選自《元人臨漢晉各帖冊》第七開。(20091015) &* Xianyu Shu (style name Boji) was a native of Yuyang (modern Beijing). Gifted at poetry and versed in music, he also excelled at connoisseurship in painting, calligraphy, and antiquities. Spirited and majestic, he was also a major talent in art. In running-standard script he turned to the Jin and Tang masters, while in cursive script he studied Huaisu’s. Zhao Mengfu wrote, “Cursive script by Boji (Xianyu Shu) exceeds mine by leaps and bounds, so no matter how much I try, I can never catch him.” This is a copy of Wang Xianzhi’s “Flock of Geese.” The brush force is bold and powerful, flowing with ease up and down. The brushwork is also precise with spirit and passion. This is the 7th leaf from “Album of Copies of Han and Jin Calligraphy.”(20091015)