石渠寶笈三編(御書房),頁3082&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁143&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁91&*本幅無名款。畫一輪明月高掛天際,華麗的堂屋建築內,有一仕女,雙手合十,抬頭仰望,面前几案上,置有香爐,似乎非常虔誠的膜拜著。元明以來雜劇盛行,「焚香拜月」情景常出現劇中,爾後,繪畫、刊本插圖也日亦常見。品名雖是宋人,然由構圖及樹木、岩石之畫法看來,應是十六世紀晚明時期的畫作。&*This work bears no seal or signature of the artist. A luminous moon hangs in the sky above distant mountains. The atmosphere is tranquil and the coloring subdued. In the elegant hall is a refined lady with her hands clasped, and on the table is an incense burner as she appears to be in devoted prayer. Three women and two servants stand by. Folk drama became popular starting in the Yuan and Ming dynasties and scenes of "offering incense to the moon" became common. Later, paintings and woodblock illustrations of the subject also appeared. Although this work is listed as by a Sung dynasty painter, the composition and manner of the earthen forms and trees belong to the 16th century (during the late Ming dynasty).