石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1070&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁262&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁179-182&*朱彝尊(一六二九~一七O九),字錫鬯,號竹垞,浙江嘉興人。康熙十八年入選博學鴻詞科,而後入直南書房。朱氏博覽群籍,所著《經義考》三百卷,綜考歷代說經書目,附記個人按語,可以代表其在經學方面的造詣。朱氏平日考證金石,對於漢〈曹全碑〉投注心力頗多,所作隸書亦宗法〈曹全碑〉,能得清雅的韻致。此幅引首作大字隸書,體勢開濶,仍不失〈曹全碑〉意趣。(20120409)&* Zhu Yizun (style name Xichang, sobriquet Zhucha), a native of Jiaxing in Zhejiang, was chosen from the Erudite Scholasticus exam of 1679 and directly entered the Kangxi Emperor’s Southern Study. Quite learned, Zhu’s Study on the Meaning of the Classics comprises 300 chapters. A bibliography summing up texts explaining the Classics over the ages, it also includes his notes and represents his attainment in the Classics. He often did textual research on Bronze and Stone writing, paying special attention to the Han dynasty “Cao Quan Stele.” His clerical script follows this stele, especially its pure and elegant harmony. The frontispiece here in large clerical script has forceful and expansive characters, losing none of the feeling in “Cao Quan Stele.”(20120409)