故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁50-51 &* 趙雍(一二九O~約一三六二),字仲穆,浙江吳興人。從小跟隨父親趙孟頫讀書寫字作畫,能作各體書,行草書頗能傳緒家學,相傳曾為父親續成書作,而第三者無以別其先後。此冊章草書作於至正二年(一三四二),時當五十餘歲盛年,筆勢宛轉饒有韻度,波磔出鋒不以勁利取勝,別具一種內歛的氣質。趙雍雖然愛好書畫,並未因此放開宦途,任官至同知湖州路總管府事。(20110407)&* Zhao Yong (style name Zhongmu), a native of Wuxing, Zhejiang, followed his father Zhao Mengfu since childhood in the study of painting and calligraphy. Gifted in all script types, his semi-cursive calligraphy followed quite closely in the family tradition, so much that others were unable to distinguish the calligraphy of him and his father. This album of draft cursive was done in 1342, in Zhao’s prime of life after 50. The brush force is agreeable with a rich spirit, the wave-like forms revealing the brush tip but not being overpowering for a unique quality. Though Zhao Yong was interested in painting and calligraphy, he did not give up his pursuit of office, serving up to the post of Associate Administrator at the Huzhou Circuit Command.(20110407)&*1.盧素芬,〈古體新韻—趙雍〈章草千文〉〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第338期(2011年5月),頁56-70。