石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2006&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁83&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁327-328&* 謝時臣(西元一四八八至一五六七年以後),字思忠,號樗仙,江蘇蘇州人。善繪山水,能作屏障大幅,畫風出自沈周。 疊嶂深林,峰外留白不多,意欲取法王蒙丘壑充實,山林蓊鬱之意境。通幅筆觸細密而繁複,鉤皴點樹,沈厚老到。染山點苔,用赭及花青,尤以赭紅點染各景,提醒了畫面之彩度。款題「丁卯」,即隆慶元(一五六七)年,時謝氏年已八十,是為暮年之作。 &* Hsieh Chih-ch’en, style name Ssu-chung, sobriquet Shu-hsien, was from Soochow, Kiangsu Province. He was skilled at painting landscapes, and particularly excelled in such large formats as giant handscrolls and screens. Hsieh’s style follows that of the Wu school master Shen Chou. This painting is crowded with layers of mountains and forests, in a style modelled after the Yüan master, Wang Meng. The brushwork is dense and detailed, and the complex textures of mountains and vegetation were rendered in a sedate, mature manner. The artist employed washes and dots and blue and reddish brown pigments to create this scene. The inscription indicates that the painting was executed in 1567, when the painter was seventy-nine years old.