石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁597&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁41&*故宮書畫錄,第十八冊,頁225-232&* 趙汝殷(活躍於西元一四三六-一四四九年間),浙江永嘉人,因善畫虎而有名於時。 本幅繪林泉間,群虎或眠草、或飲泉、或礪木、或舔掌,情態箇箇不同,頗得生動變化之趣。背景之樹石、溪泉,亦著意描繪,可見畫家於山水之造詣亦深,並不僅止於專工畫虎。幅末段,有一虎造型與院藏「元人畫虎」極似,很可能兩畫均出自同一稿本。據款署「正統辛酉」推算,本作應成於正統六年(一四四一)。 &* Chao Ju-yin was a native of Yung-chia, Chekiang, who became famous in the 15th century for his paintings of tigers. In this painting of a mountainous forest and stream setting appear a group of tigers and cubs. They are all in a variety of lively poses, such as sleeping, drinking water, rubbing, licking, or sitting. The background composition of trees, rocks, and stream are also rendered with a sense of rhythmn and vivid description, indicating that the artist was capable at depicting tigers as well as landscapes. The pose of one of the tigers at the end of this scroll is similar to that in “Tiger,” also in the Museum collection. Although that painting is attributed to a Yüan (1279-1368) artist, it too may have been done in the Ming dynasty. If so, both paintings might have been done after the same prototype. This painting has an inscription with a date that equates to the year 1441. &*1.邱士華,〈虎距鷹揚 — 元歸真〈畫虎〉小探〉,,《故宮文物月刊》,第323期(2010年2月),頁46-51。