石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1931&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁80&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁55-56&*文嘉(西元一五○一-一五八三年),字休承,號文水,長洲(江蘇蘇州)人,文徵明次子。能詩工書畫,山水尤精,筆墨疎秀,氣韻甚佳。嘉畫出於家學,筆勢方秀而多稜角,用墨方面尤富奇趣。此幅構景詩題皆仿沈周廬山高圖,在自題中言及曾於吳中屢見沈周之畫,因愛其筆墨精妙而臨仿之。然沈周畫之筆墨全法王蒙,層層皴染,頗覺渾樸淳厚,而文嘉此圖鈎皴山石則用枯筆,造型亦不相近,蓋只取其意而已。畫成於萬曆丁丑,時七十七歲。&*Wen Chia, a native of Ch'ang-chou (modern Soochow, Kiangsu), was the second son of the famous Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). His style name was Hsiu-ch'eng, his sobriquet Wen-shui. Noted for his poetry, calligraphy and painting, especially landscapes, he derived his style from his family tradition. His brushwork is sparse and elegant, and his painting is known for its rhythmic quality. His work is characterized by the use of sharp-angled strokes, making his paintings more unusual and interesting. Both composition and poetic inscription of this work resemble those of Shen Chou's “Lofty Mt. Lu”. Wen mentions in the inscription he often saw Shen's paintings while in Soochow. He admired Shen's excellent brushwork; thus he modeled his work after Shen's. Shen's “Lofty Mt. Lu”,however,is based on Wang Meng's style; he use layers of ink and wrinkle strokes to model the mountain and rocks, thus creating a sense of straightforwardness and denseness. Quite differently, Wen used dry brush strokes to draw the contours of the mountain and rocks and Moreover, the shape of the mountain is disimilar to that of Shen's. Evidently, Wen took only the idea from Shen's “Lofty Mt. Lu”.The painting was executed in 1577 when Wen was seventy-six years old.